الأربعاء، 30 نوفمبر 2011

Entity Framework Batch Update and Future Queries

Entity Framework Extended Library

A library the extends the functionality of Entity Framework.


  • Batch Update and Delete
  • Future Queries
  • Audit Log
Project Package and Source

NuGet Package

PM> Install-Package EntityFramework.Extended

Batch Update and Delete

A current limitations of the Entity Framework is that in order to update or delete an entity you have to first retrieve it into memory. Now in most scenarios this is just fine. There are however some senerios where performance would suffer. Also, for single deletes, the object must be retrieved before it can be deleted requiring two calls to the database. Batch update and delete eliminates the need to retrieve and load an entity before modifying it.


//delete all users where FirstName matches context.Users.Delete(u => u.FirstName == "firstname"); 


//update all tasks with status of 1 to status of 2 context.Tasks.Update(     t => t.StatusId == 1,      t => new Task {StatusId = 2});  //example of using an IQueryable as the filter for the update var users = context.Users    .Where(u => u.FirstName == "firstname");  context.Users.Update(     users,      u => new User {FirstName = "newfirstname"}); 
Future Queries

Build up a list of queries for the data that you need and the first time any of the results are accessed, all the data will retrieved in one round trip to the database server. Reducing the number of trips to the database is a great. Using this feature is as simple as appending .Future() to the end of your queries. To use the Future Queries, make sure to import the EntityFramework.Extensions namespace.

Future queries are created with the following extension methods...

  • Future()
  • FutureFirstOrDefault()
  • FutureCount()


// build up queries var q1 = db.Users     .Where(t => t.EmailAddress == "one@test.com")     .Future();  var q2 = db.Tasks     .Where(t => t.Summary == "Test")     .Future();  // this triggers the loading of all the future queries var users = q1.ToList(); 

In the example above, there are 2 queries built up, as soon as one of the queries is enumerated, it triggers the batch load of both queries.

// base query var q = db.Tasks.Where(t => t.Priority == 2); // get total count var q1 = q.FutureCount(); // get page var q2 = q.Skip(pageIndex).Take(pageSize).Future();  // triggers execute as a batch int total = q1.Value; var tasks = q2.ToList(); 

In this example, we have a common senerio where you want to page a list of tasks. In order for the GUI to setup the paging control, you need a total count. With Future, we can batch together the queries to get all the data in one database call.

Future queries work by creating the appropriate IFutureQuery object that keeps the IQuerable. The IFutureQuery object is then stored in IFutureContext.FutureQueries list. Then, when one of the IFutureQuery objects is enumerated, it calls back to IFutureContext.ExecuteFutureQueries() via the LoadAction delegate. ExecuteFutureQueries builds a batch query from all the stored IFutureQuery objects. Finally, all the IFutureQuery objects are updated with the results from the query.

Audit Log

The Audit Log feature will capture the changes to entities anytime they are submitted to the database. The Audit Log captures only the entities that are changed and only the properties on those entities that were changed. The before and after values are recorded. AuditLogger.LastAudit is where this information is held and there is a ToXml() method that makes it easy to turn the AuditLog into xml for easy storage.

The AuditLog can be customized via attributes on the entities or via a Fluent Configuration API.

Fluent Configuration

// config audit when your application is starting up... var auditConfiguration = AuditConfiguration.Default;  auditConfiguration.IncludeRelationships = true; auditConfiguration.LoadRelationships = true; auditConfiguration.DefaultAuditable = true;  // customize the audit for Task entity auditConfiguration.IsAuditable<Task>()     .NotAudited(t => t.TaskExtended)     .FormatWith(t => t.Status, v => FormatStatus(v));  // set the display member when status is a foreign key auditConfiguration.IsAuditable<Status>()     .DisplayMember(t => t.Name); 

Create an Audit Log

var db = new TrackerContext(); var audit = db.BeginAudit();  // make some updates ...  db.SaveChanges(); var log = audit.LastLog;

Source: http://weblogs.asp.net/pwelter34/archive/2011/11/29/entity-framework-batch-update-and-future-queries.aspx

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Using SqlParameter Class

Represents a parameter to a SqlCommand and optionally its mapping to DataSet columns. This class cannot be inherited.

You should use parameters to filter queries in a secure manner. But I recommend to use parameters when you try to pass the datetime value in your query.

The process of using parameter contains two steps:
  • create SqlParameter object and insert there value with applicable properties
  • define the parameter in the SqlCommand command string, and assign the SqlParameter object to the SqlCommand object. When the SqlCommand executes, parameters will be replaced with values specified by the SqlParameter object.

Sample Code

Imports Namespace: System.Data.SqlClient

' Insert string
Dim sql As String = " INSERT INTO tblZipCode([ZIPCODE], [STATE], [CITY], [TestDate]) VALUES(@ZIPCODE, @STATE, @CITY), @TestDate"

' Create sql parameter
Dim param(3) As SqlParameter

param(0) = New SqlParameter("@ZIPCODE", SqlDbType.VarChar)
param(0).Value = "60000"

param(1) = New SqlParameter("@STATE", SqlDbType.VarChar)
param(1).Value = "Statename"

param(2) = New SqlParameter("@CITY", SqlDbType.VarChar)
param(2).Value = "Cityname"

' Recommend to use sql param when you try to send datetime value
param(3) = New SqlParameter("@TestDate", SqlDbType.DateTime)
param(3).Value = DateTime.Now

' Create Connection string
Dim sConnection As New SqlConnection("server=(local);uid=sa;pwd=pass;database=db")

' Create Sql Command
Dim command As SqlCommand = sConnection.CreateCommand()
command.CommandText = sql

' Add Parameter to command

' Execute command
Dim nResult As Integer = command.ExecuteNonQuery()

If nResult > 0 Then
Console.WriteLine("Insert completed")
End If


Source: http://vbnetsample.blogspot.com/2007/10/using-sqlparameter-class.html

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الاثنين، 28 نوفمبر 2011

What Are the Standard Features Any Email Marketing System Should Have? It Depends

If you ask which standard features to look for in an email marketing system, you’re asking the wrong question. The correct question is what do you need. Here’s why…

"It depends."
Recently at a marketing conference, one of the speakers stated that consultants are notorious for starting their answers with phrases like, "It depends."

Clients might think that’s a runaround. It’s not. Quite often, the answer to a client’s question isn’t, “If you do X, you will get Y”. Quite often it’s, “It depends.”

That’s also the way to start off any answer to any question about the features to look for when considering an email marketing system. It depends on what your needs are.

If choosing an ESP or email marketing system meant looking for standard features only, we likely wouldn't have over 100 ESPs to choose from. If there were standard features that narrowed down your choice and made comparisons easy, many of us would likely be out of business.

In reality, email marketing systems come with a wide range of capabilities in order to fulfill a wide range of business requirements. As a result, comparing email marketing systems or ESPs is like comparing apples to oranges.

If you can't simply start with a checklist, then where do you start? You start with your requirements. That is your checklist. The question shouldn’t be, "What features should we look for?" Rather, "What features do we need?"

Two factors you must consider
There are two factors you must consider no matter the ESP or email marketing system. One is the deliverability rate and the other is uptime. No matter the provider or system you choose, the deliverability rate and the uptime have to be as high as possible.

Uptime is easy to determine: Ask.

However, with deliverability "it depends" because it will vary for everyone. If one ESP gets a 97.3% deliverability rate for one customer and list, it doesn’t follow that they’ll achieve that same deliverability rate for another company with a different list. To make sure you choose an ESP or system with the highest deliverability rate for you, try and take your choices for a test drive, using the system to mail to your own list to test deliverability.

Unfortunately there isn't any one checklist that’s going to help you find the features you must have, but finding an ESP with an uptime of 99.5% or higher and high deliverability among its IP addresses is key to finding an ESP that is going to serve your best long-term.

- Marco Marini
ClickMail Marketing

Source: http://blog.emailexperience.org/blog/clickmail-marketing-at-eec/what-are-the-standard-features-any-email-marketing-system-should-have-v1

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Fresh Content from the DMA UK

The DMA UK’s Email Marketing Council maintains a blog featuring Council members writing about a wide range of topics relating to email marketing.

Here are this month’s highlights:
  • An example of how to use email and social to drive both list growth and sales. 
  • A recent Return Path study confirms that a marketer’s sender reputation is the key to achieving high inbox placement rates and avoiding the spam folder.
  • ISPs have been announcing various types of inbox filtering – here’s a look at how they might impact marketers.
  • Frameworks are used in many different industries to structure thinking, people and processes effectively – here’s how they can be applied to email marketing. 
  • Email marketing produces a huge volume and range of metrics; using a SMART (Specific, Measurable, Agreed,  Realistic, Time Bound) approach will help marketers measure their specific ROI.

Source: http://blog.emailexperience.org/blog/contributors-to-the-eec-blog/fresh-content-from-the-dma-uk

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الأحد، 27 نوفمبر 2011

Creating parent-child relationships between tables in ASP.NET ...

Read More......(read more)

Source: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/aspnet/Parent-Child-DataTables.aspx

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The Springboard Series Visits Lima, Peru

Our second stop in South America was Lima, Peru. Day one we discussed the Proof Of Concept Jumpstart Kit with local companies currently testing their application compatibility and deployment strategies. Day two was a full day of presentations on embracing consumerization, leveraging free deployment tools like MDT, MAP and ACT and ended the day showing off the great features and functionality of Windows Intune. The day concluded with the Microsoft Peru office turning the event room into a gigantic viewing party for the big soccer match between Peru and Ecuador. We had a great time but we need to get to Argentina for our next event. Check out the video and see you in Buenos Aires!

Get Microsoft Silverlight

Source: http://windowsteamblog.com/windows/b/springboard/archive/2011/11/18/the-springboard-series-visits-lima-peru.aspx

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السبت، 26 نوفمبر 2011

Four Common-Sense Tips for Using Social Tools in Email Marketing

We exist in a best-practices driven industry. Email marketing has many variables and it's a constantly changing landscape with ISPs and regulations changing rules on us on a consistent basis. We crave the tried-and-true rule, the best practice known to deliver the best result, the sure thing.

We have plenty to learn and use, to be sure! Search for "email marketing best practices" in Google, and you’ll find far more than you could ever digest among the search results.

Best practices for using social tools in email, however, are yet to be clearly defined. In fact, given the pace of change in social media, with constant Facebook updates and new technologies like Google+, these so-called best practices might forever elude us.

Those proven techniques we can turn to with confidence, however, are common sense and come from the email marketing world. Today I offer you four common-sense tips for using social tools that will help you maximize your results: 1) Offer great content. 2) Be very, very clear. 3) Test everything. 4) Go both ways.

Offer Great Content

No matter how much the email marketing industry changes, this common-sense tip will always be. And when you're seeking sharing to social, your content has to be so great that people want to and willingly share it. That idea isn't new. We've strived for "share worthy" content in the past. We had another name for it was all, because what we want back then was a forward. Now we want a share. Great content leads to greater use of your social media links by your subscribers who want to tell their network about your email.

Be Very, Very Clear

When you include social media buttons, be sure to ask for the action you want and let the person know why they should click. A plain, standalone Facebook button will garner only so many clicks compared to a Facebook button with words that ask for action and offer a benefit: "Like us on Facebook for fabulous fan pricing." Everybody knows what a Facebook button is, but not why they should click on it. Ditto for Twitter, LinkedIn and any other social media buttons.

In addition, words help you to be clear on the purpose of a button. A button for sharing is not the same as a button for liking, after all.  

Also be sure to put the buttons where they make the most sense...for your subscribers. Figure out when/where in your email your subscribers are ready to take action. This you might only be able to determine by testing, which takes us to...

Test Everything

Is there a magic spot for your "like" button that will generate the highest number of new Facebook fans? Probably. Can I tell you where that is within your email? No. As far as best practices on technical details when using social media tools, these can only be determined by you. If I could sit here and tell you placing the Facebook icon in the lower right corner will drive the most "likes" on your Facebook wall, I would. But I can't. It all depends. Testing is the only way to optimize placement of social media tools like a Facebook button for your particular business and audience. In fact, testing is the only way to optimize every aspect of your social media tools, from where you put the links to which links you offer. So test. Everything.

Go Both Ways

Yes, using email to drive subscribers to your social media sites or to share is smart marketing. Also be sure your email to social works as your social to email, as well. Your social sites can promote your email subscriptions and offer email signup forms.

And One Last Note...

Even when integrated as part of your marketing matrix and going both ways, email and social differ. And taking a customer relationship into the social realm can certainly alter customer expectations. Once you’ve crossed the social media line, you might need to revisit the tone and personality of your email communications. You've taken the relationship to a new level of intimacy via social channels, and using a corporate or more formal tone in your email marketing might run counter to the warm fuzzies a subscriber now feels for you.

Following these four tips should help you determine your own best practices for using social tools in email...meaning those practices which work best for you and your goals.

- Marco Marini
ClickMail Marketing

Source: http://blog.emailexperience.org/blog/clickmail-marketing-at-eec/four-common-sense-tips-for-using-social-tools-in-email-marketing

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How-to: Apps for creating custom ringtones

Custom ringtones. I love ?em, and apparently I?m not alone. While writing this post, I saw a Fierce story that said people still spend more than $2 billion a year on ringtones. I think ringtones remain popular because they?re another way to tell your friends and family ?I?m unique??or simply because they can solicit a gut reaction from people around you (?Did I just hear The Dude?!??my current ringtone, by the way).

I?ve been playing around with a pair of free apps that recently launched for Windows Phone 7.5, and created custom ringtones with classic movie quotes, music tracks, college fight songs and more. Check them out?and don?t miss this colorful overview of custom ringtones.


Although not a new app to Windows Phone per se, Myxer recently added the ability to quickly create and use custom ringtones. Start by setting up an account, and then follow these steps:

1. On your PC, go to Myxer and log in.

2. Under Ringtones, click Make Your Own?.

3. Click Browse to choose a sound file on your PC, then click Upload.


4. Customize your ringtone using the on-screen tool, then click Continue.


5. Verify your phone number, then click Next.

6. Ignore Myxer?s instructions and choose one of the download options. (It doesn?t matter which?clicking Send is probably the easiest.) Your new ringtone will automatically appear in the My Ringtones section of your Myxer app.


7. Open the app on your phone and swipe to My Ringtones. Tap a ringtone, and select Download.

4 of 8

8. Myxer automatically open Settings menu. Tap OK to save the ringtone and check Make this my ringtone if you want to start using it right away.

That?s it!

Ringtone Maker

Ringtone Maker from Mobile 17 provides another option for delivering custom ringtones directly to your phone. To get started, I recommend setting up an account first, then follow these steps:

1. On your PC, go to the Mobile 17 website and log in.

2. Click Make a ringtone.

3. Click Browse to choose a song file.


4. Mobile 17 offers a list of possible matches for the song you picked. If you see a match, click Use this. Otherwise, click Skip this step.


5. Edit your track, then click Continue.


6. Confirm your account settings , then click Continue.

7. Open the Mobile 17 App on your phone. Flick to My Ringtones, and tap Sync.

1 of 3

8. Click OK to save your new ringtone.

9. On Start, flick left, then tap Settings>Ringtones + sounds.

10. Select your ringtone and?boom?you?re ready for the audio bliss?or blitzkrieg.

Both of these apps are free (ad-supported) and only available in the U.S. Marketplace. Have your own favorite ringtone maker in Marketplace? Tell us about it!

Source: http://windowsteamblog.com/windows_phone/b/windowsphone/archive/2011/11/17/how-to-apps-for-creating-custom-ringtones.aspx

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الجمعة، 25 نوفمبر 2011

The Springboard Series Visits Argentina

Our third stop on the tour takes us to Buenos Aires, Argentina. Here we presented Windows deployment techniques to over 100 decision makers, drove on the widest street in the world and of course, sampled the local delicacies.  Our next and final stop is TechDays in Chile.

Source: http://windowsteamblog.com/windows/b/springboard/archive/2011/11/22/springboard-series-visits-argentina.aspx

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Updates: Now delivering to Samsung Focus 1.4

Hello everyone. Busy week?here?s what?s going on:

We?re now sending out Windows Phone 7.5 updates to customers with Samsung Focus 1.4 phones on AT&T. We?re also scheduling the update for Samsung Omnia 7 owners on Telefonica in Spain. Expect us to expedite the scheduling process, now that it?s been fully tested.

We?re also sending out another wave of firmware updates from our manufacturers to select Windows Phone models. As I?ve mentioned before, these updates improve the overall function of your particular make and model of Windows Phone. You?ll see these firmware updates from time to time; they?re easy to recognize because the update information in the Zune software shows your device name. If you get one, I encourage you to install it.

Finally, we?re always paying close attention to your feedback on Windows Phone 7.5?especially when it comes to bug reports. In that spirit, customers of Vodafone, Orange, and Deutsche Telekom in Europe will start seeing notifications for a new Windows Phone service release called 7740 that fixes an issue with new voice mail notifications not appearing for customers on some European and Asian networks under certain conditions. It also fixes an email issue associated with Exchange Server 2003. This service release is being assessed by other mobile operators. You can learn more about it here.

That?s the latest. See you next week.

Eric Hautala, GM, Customer Experience Engineering

Source: http://windowsteamblog.com/windows_phone/b/windowsphone/archive/2011/11/17/updates-now-delivering-to-samsung-focus-1-4.aspx

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الخميس، 24 نوفمبر 2011

Android Hacked onto the BeagleBoard OSHW GadgetPack ... with avengance

The time is 3:27 am on the East Coast as I write this. It's Sunday, I have work tomorrow morning.

I'm happy to say... Android has now officially been cracked onto the Beagle GadgetPack. Chris and I just finished hacking it onto the BeagleBoard, with a fully-integrated touchscreen OLED screen, overlay, and interface at the driver level to the BeagleTouch.

It connects to the internet.
It loads webpages, it runs scripts.
It reads and interfaces to sensors.
The touchscreen supports drag, drag and drop, sliding, scrolling, and gesturing.
It can download and run native Android APK files off of Open APK app stores.
It even runs the SL4A rapid prototyping environment that is scriptable in Perl and Python.

This was no easy task. Nick, Will, Chris, Mike all helped here and there with driver help and ideas for how to compile around the early driver problems. Thanks to the TI guys (esp. Gerald!), and the Google Groups community too for their help... and for the guys at embinux.org for a good starting point reference. And of course some special help from Google themselves (names will remain anonymous because I'd hate to see someone lose their job for supporting a hacker like me)... who came in at the last minute to help me crack open the driver access level, which allowed me to make a user-space display driver to the BeagleTouch... FROM SCRATCH.

Now the most important part of all of this is the question I got from Jake, when I talked to him 3 weeks ago: why?

Because I'm sick of the iPad. Every time you go into Starbucks, you see someone digitally frolicking around on their apps, clickety clacking around with glee, pinching and spinning their fingers around a million times just to do what you used to be able to do with CNTRL-+ or CNTRL-- to zoom in and out just as quickly, all the while being wholly restricted and unable to compile any of their own apps natively, and god forbid trying to access the driver level.
The problem is simple: I am fundamentally against the entire principle and idea of the phrase, "there's an app for that(TM)." (Are you serious?!?! I have to put a "Trademark" on that?!?) I think that little phrase is endemic of everything that's going wrong with the hacker world today. It symbolizes the end of an era. It is the antithesis of open, and the optimum of control and limitation.

I don't want an app for that. I want a programming language and access to some low level OS function for that.

I'm fighting back, and this Android hack is the first step in the war. The problem with the philosophy of "there's an app for that" is that it's training the new up and coming programmers and would-be hackers and developers that if you want some hitherto unavailable functionality for your device, you should go onto a tightly controlled ecosystem of apps (iTunes app store), and pay money for a limited, controlled, censored, channel monitored, Apple-sanctioned little app that took WAY too long to write because the darn specs are undocumented.

No thank you. I want to help teach, train, and motivate a new breed of far more open sourced and efficient hardware hackers...

Apple is going to lose. Because hackers are going to use the platform that is the most extensible, most hackable, and most fun to use. Programming the iPod and iPad and app store-compatible apps is an exercise in painful, torturous sacrifice. You start out development thinking you want to build a simple little functioning app. Then you find out, function by function, that Apple has restricted that functionality to a mere fragment of it's former self. Useless!

Android is where it's at. You get driver control if you need it, you have a multitude of programming languages, an Open Source app distribution channel, and raw sensor channels for interfacing with all kinds of sensors (stay tuned for some hacks on this to come). Android is literally the perfect rapid prototyping platform. It is just high level enough to be efficient, it's just low level enough to enable embedded applications development. And it's Open Source, so if you need to, you can just recompile the whole darn thing from scratch yourself if you want to.
And that's powerful. In the coming weeks, I'm going to do my best to integrate open source hardware and open source software together, using this newly cracked Android Gadget as my platform... bring it on!

Source: http://antipastohw.blogspot.com/2010/10/android-hacked-onto-beagleboard-oshw.html

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الأربعاء، 23 نوفمبر 2011

Android vs. the Embedded Programmer Mindset

Eclipse Apps Roasting on an Open Android
ADB nipping at your serial bus.
Yuletide GUIs being compiled through XML,
And freakin' complicated data reference schemes that make you call even a single string from an outside standalone strings.xml file by @string/hello or R.string.hello.

Everybody knows a compiler and some global vars,
Help to make coding simple and fast.
Local functions with their scopes all aglo(bal).
Will find it much easier than dereferencing every gosh-darn string text variable.

What the helloworld, Google! Whatever happened to:

char gButtonText[] = "Option On";

function mytoggle( void) {
  strcpy(gButtonText,"Option Off")

Sure, it's ugly code. There's a better way to do it. But it's fast, easy, and simple, and intuitive to the C programmer's mindset. Welcome to the wonderful world of Java-inspired coding on Android. Everything is an object, and needs it's own varspace. Programming Android is like programming in Ruby on Rails' MVC stack. You aren't really writing a standalone app, you're just given the honor - and privilege if I say so - to glue on some function code on top of an existing framework. Programming Android is like programming Java - instead of thinking about building the app from the ground up, you're essentially writing a "diff" file on top of a massive mountain of existing code and functionality. The baseline app already does a bunch of stuff perfectly fine, thank you.

It's as if Android is constantly saying to me, "Oh, what, you want it to do something different? Overload my already perfectly-written function, why don't you. Pffft. I already thought of that. I have a better idea: why don't you *not* write your function, and instead use one of mine, and decrease the surplus population of crappy code!"

Bah humbugtracking
Programming in Android, like Java, I am constantly reminding of how little I know, because someone's already thought of that function, and it already exists - I just have to inherit and object and parent a class, @override a base class, and unprotect a final public method.

Want to make a toggle button change it's text? Duh:

android:textOff="Option Off"
android:textOn="Option On"

Herein lie the central difference in mindset between the Embedded Programmer and the Android Programmer:

Embedded (Arduino) Programming Mindset
In embedded land, we are trained to start from void main(void) and #include math.h and work upwards. From function control, application execution, to variable space definition, everything trains you to think about in a device-first mentality. You're thinking to yourself, "I have a device with XX megs of RAM, a YY MHz CPU, and a ZZ pixel screen." Optimization is the name of the game, efficiency matters, and resources are at a premium so it's worth taking the time to think them through.

Stretching the metaphor a bit for a minute, embedded coding is like heliocentrism - with the device at the center of the world:

Android Programming Mindset
In Android land, you are trained to start from a base, and extend some Activity class. You're writing diff code, pulling objects and their nested functions only when you need them. You are really writing *code*, you're just pulling and gluing together bits and pieces of functionality that were already written for you. The device doesn't matter, and why should it, because you're writing an app that might run on a tablet or a hand-held or an on-screen emulator. God only knows how many megs of RAM, CPU MHz, and pixels you'll have, so you'd better write your code abstractly and cross your fingers that it runs. Everything trains you to think about a user-first mentality.

All things considered, this isn't easy for an embedded programmer to embrace. Dare I say embracing and learning Android coding is the equivalent to the Copernican Revolution:

Device-first vs. User-first
Embedded programmers are more likely to build a new hardware device layer to push the performance envelope of a given piece of hardware. Android programmers are more likely to deliver a fantastic user experience that connects web-to-handheld-to-sensors first and foremost, and who cares if it sits and hangs for a few seconds while it calculates? The user will be stunned by the drop-shadowed jelly buttons, he won't even mind :-)

And the truth is... after several weeks of hacking my Android DIY Starter Kit, I don't mind either. I've found myself converting to a new religion, in the name of developing super-sleek looking GUI's in no time at all, it's really something. Doing the same in Linux would take weeks, maybe months (but that's another discussion for another time). Take my "void main( void)" from me, and give me my "public class extends Activity" any day of the week! But there are some downsides.

One major downside is the need for massively large reference manuals, or the need to constantly be connected to the web, for documentation, specs, and references. Try coding a rails webapp without access to the internet - impossible. On the other hand, all you need to code Arduino is a little cheatsheet - since you're essentially building everything up from scratch out of C primitive functions, all you need is the list of those functions. So what if you re-invent the wheel a few times? On Android, like Rails, you constantly need to know the top-down bigger picture. You need to have in your frame of mind the major high-level code objects, which you then reference down with the . dot-operator until you get to the method/function you were looking for. This means needing large amounts of documentation, and examples that are typically on the web.

Not better, not worse, mostly just different.

Source: http://antipastohw.blogspot.com/2010/12/android-vs-embedded-programmer-mindset.html

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Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/jsbi/~3/gveAequQUHo/how-to-disable-microsoft-windows.html

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الثلاثاء، 22 نوفمبر 2011

Pinworthy: Apps for planes, trains, and automobiles

In case you haven?t seen it, Planes, Trains & Automobiles is a classic holiday comedy about the misadventures of Neal Page and Dell Griffith (played by Steve Martin and John Candy) as they struggle to make it home for Thanksgiving. I like the film not only because Steve Martin and John Candy are hilarious, but I can personally relate to their trip-induced frustrations: flight delays, terrible train rides, bad rental cars, and more.

If only Neal and Dell had Windows Phones, they could?ve avoided many of those mishaps.

With Thanksgiving less than a week away in the U.S., and more holidays on the horizon, I thought I?d suggest a few apps for planes, trains and automobiles (and if you?re new to Windows Phone, don?t miss our $25 prepaid app card offer!). What about you? What Windows Phone apps get you through the holidays?


Both the American Airlines and Fly Delta are very useful Windows Phone apps that allow you to do things like view personal flight details, monitor your place on the standby list, and rebook on an alternate flight when yours has been canceled or delayed?all of which would have been helpful to Neal.

However, I wanted to review an app that?s helpful no matter what airline you?re on, which led me to Fly Time. The app tracks flights for hundreds of airlines worldwide, and provides global airport and airline information. But that?s table stakes for a flight tracker app. Fly Time ups the ante by allowing you to send your flight info to family and friends via Facebook, Twitter, text message or email ? no need for me to call my wife with the flight number and time of arrival.

Fly TimeFly Time

It also tells you what businesses are near you. Granted, I typically use Local Scout to find places I want to visit nearby, but I like how Fly Time categorizes what?s around me by what?s important to a traveler: taxis, hotels, parking, transit, restaurants and even coffee.


Even Dell with his extra-large trunk wouldn?t miss his stop on the train or bus with Travelnapp. Enter your destination, tap on the integrated Bing map to confirm, and this app delivers your journey details, including current time, distance to destination, ETA, and average speed almost anywhere in the world.

Further, using your phone?s GPS, the app will play a loud (and rather annoying) alarm when you?re approaching your stop. If you?re listening to music, it automatically pauses your tunes before sounding the alarm. Travelnapp also features a set of fail safes to alert you if your GPS signal is lost for an extended period (like in a tunnel).



Remember the scene where Neal and Dell get on the interstate headed in the wrong direction? Too funny. But that wouldn?t happen if they were using Garmin StreetPilot, because the voice guided turn-by-turn directions would surely have stated ?make a legal U-Turn? or ?Re-calculating? again and again.

The StreetPilot app is essentially the same as having a stand-alone Garmin n�vi personal navigator in your car, but costs only $34.99. Besides turn-by-turn directions, StreetPilot also provides real-time traffic info based on your phone?s GPS location, so you can avoid delays from accidents, police, construction, and other incidents. The app offers up-to-date maps for the U.S. and Canada. It also integrates with Bing on your Windows Phone for local searches and can navigate to contacts in your address book.

Combine all of these features with the ability to pin your house location as a tile to Start for quick routes home no matter where you are, as well as the apps ability to provide current weather conditions and forecast, and there?s no way that our Planes, Trains and Automobiles friends would have been late for Thanksgiving dinner.

Garmin StreetPilotGarmin StreetPilot

Source: http://windowsteamblog.com/windows_phone/b/windowsphone/archive/2011/11/18/pinworthy-apps-for-planes-trains-and-automobiles.aspx

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How to get the control that has the focus in Silverlight?

Is very simple. To get the control with the focus do something just use the FocusManager.GetFocusedElement()

See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.input.focusmanager(v=VS.95).aspx

You can also add an extension method like:

public static class FocusExtensionMethods

public static bool HasFocus(this Control c)
     return FocusManager.GetFocusedElement() == c;


Source: http://blogs.artinsoft.net/mrojas/archive/2011/11/22/how-to-get-the-control-that-has-the-focus-in-silverlight.aspx

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الاثنين، 21 نوفمبر 2011

How-to: Apps for creating custom ringtones

Custom ringtones. I love ?em, and apparently I?m not alone. While writing this post, I saw a Fierce story that said people still spend more than $2 billion a year on ringtones. I think ringtones remain popular because they?re another way to tell your friends and family ?I?m unique??or simply because they can solicit a gut reaction from people around you (?Did I just hear The Dude?!??my current ringtone, by the way).

I?ve been playing around with a pair of free apps that recently launched for Windows Phone 7.5, and created custom ringtones with classic movie quotes, music tracks, college fight songs and more. Check them out?and don?t miss this colorful overview of custom ringtones.


Although not a new app to Windows Phone per se, Myxer recently added the ability to quickly create and use custom ringtones. Start by setting up an account, and then follow these steps:

1. On your PC, go to Myxer and log in.

2. Under Ringtones, click Make Your Own?.

3. Click Browse to choose a sound file on your PC, then click Upload.


4. Customize your ringtone using the on-screen tool, then click Continue.


5. Verify your phone number, then click Next.

6. Ignore Myxer?s instructions and choose one of the download options. (It doesn?t matter which?clicking Send is probably the easiest.) Your new ringtone will automatically appear in the My Ringtones section of your Myxer app.


7. Open the app on your phone and swipe to My Ringtones. Tap a ringtone, and select Download.

4 of 8

8. Myxer automatically open Settings menu. Tap OK to save the ringtone and check Make this my ringtone if you want to start using it right away.

That?s it!

Ringtone Maker

Ringtone Maker from Mobile 17 provides another option for delivering custom ringtones directly to your phone. To get started, I recommend setting up an account first, then follow these steps:

1. On your PC, go to the Mobile 17 website and log in.

2. Click Make a ringtone.

3. Click Browse to choose a song file.


4. Mobile 17 offers a list of possible matches for the song you picked. If you see a match, click Use this. Otherwise, click Skip this step.


5. Edit your track, then click Continue.


6. Confirm your account settings , then click Continue.

7. Open the Mobile 17 App on your phone. Flick to My Ringtones, and tap Sync.

1 of 3

8. Click OK to save your new ringtone.

9. On Start, flick left, then tap Settings>Ringtones + sounds.

10. Select your ringtone and?boom?you?re ready for the audio bliss?or blitzkrieg.

Both of these apps are free (ad-supported) and only available in the U.S. Marketplace. Have your own favorite ringtone maker in Marketplace? Tell us about it!

Source: http://windowsteamblog.com/windows_phone/b/windowsphone/archive/2011/11/17/how-to-apps-for-creating-custom-ringtones.aspx

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The Springboard Series Tour Arrives in Brazil

The first stop on the Springboard Series Tour was the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Sao Paulo is the 7th largest city in the world and filled with many IT pros. Myself and Elias Mereb, a MVP from Venezuela who is joining me for the tour, presented Windows Deployment, Windows Intune and Flexible Workstyle to over 150 local IT pros and decision makers. To see more on the event and this amazing city, check out the video below. Next stop, Lima, Peru!

Get Microsoft Silverlight

Source: http://windowsteamblog.com/windows/b/springboard/archive/2011/11/14/the-springboard-series-tour-arrives-in-brazil.aspx

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الأحد، 20 نوفمبر 2011

LINQ to Fail - WebForms MVP Contrib

Read More......(read more)

Source: http://www.aaron-powell.com/webforms-mvp-contrib

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Simultaneous Quad Charging Lithium Batteries

In the past week, I've gotten a number of emails from people asking about the BeagleJuice module, and how you charge it. The BeagleJuice is a lithium ion rechargeable battery that snaps to the back of a Beagleboard, and let's you power it and any circuits or other modules like the BeagleTouch that you might have snapped on top of it for 4-6 hours depending on how much drain. If it's just the Beagleboard, it's about 6.5 hours.

Well, this is how *I* charge it - I typically charge 3-4 of them at once, running off of a USB "charging station", which is really just a 4-port USB hub that I've gutted, and wired up. The power is enough from this one USB hub to power 4 BeagleJuice's at a time.
Here's a video showing off my personal setup:

Source: http://antipastohw.blogspot.com/2010/11/simultaneous-quad-charging-lithium.html

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السبت، 19 نوفمبر 2011

Launch celebration keeps rolling on

Wow, yesterday was quite a day! We built a giant phone in Herald Square, and threw a killer party featuring Brooklyn punk-pop rockers, Matt and Kim. I posted some photos from the Night Out party below, take a gander.  Even with all that action yesterday, there is much, much more celebration to be had! We have Inner Circle events kicking off tomorrow in Miami, San Diego, Washington D.C. and Denver. Then off to Baltimore and St. Louis on Thursday, wrapping up the week with two evenings of the Night Out parties on Friday and Saturday in Chicago, featuring The Drums. Whew!

If you live around those cities and want to come down to toast Windows Phone with food, drink and music, please join us! Registration info for the events can be found by clicking the links above.

We hope to see you there!

Brian (@brianseitz)

Popular music group Far East Movement helps launch the new Windows Phone performing lice from inside Microsoft's 6-story "Big Windows Phone" in New York's Herald Square on November 7, 2011. (Microsoft - Handout)Popular music group Far East Movement helps launch the new Windows Phone performing lice from inside Microsoft's 6-story "Big Windows Phone" in New York's Herald Square on November 7, 2011. (Microsoft - Handout)Popular music group Far East Movement helps launch the new Windows Phone performing lice from inside Microsoft's 6-story "Big Windows Phone" in New York's Herald Square on November 7, 2011. (Microsoft - Handout)Popular music group Far East Movement helps launch the new Windows Phone performing lice from inside Microsoft's 6-story "Big Windows Phone" in New York's Herald Square on November 7, 2011. (Microsoft - Handout)Popular music group Far East Movement helps launch the new Windows Phone performing lice from inside Microsoft's 6-story "Big Windows Phone" in New York's Herald Square on November 7, 2011. (Microsoft - Handout)Popular music group Far East Movement helps launch the new Windows Phone performing lice from inside Microsoft's 6-story "Big Windows Phone" in New York's Herald Square on November 7, 2011. (Microsoft - Handout)Popular music group Far East Movement helps launch the new Windows Phone performing lice from inside Microsoft's 6-story "Big Windows Phone" in New York's Herald Square on November 7, 2011. (Microsoft - Handout)Popular music group Far East Movement helps launch the new Windows Phone performing lice from inside Microsoft's 6-story "Big Windows Phone" in New York's Herald Square on November 7, 2011. (Microsoft - Handout)Popular music group Far East Movement helps launch the new Windows Phone performing lice from inside Microsoft's 6-story "Big Windows Phone" in New York's Herald Square on November 7, 2011. (Microsoft - Handout)Popular music group Far East Movement helps launch the new Windows Phone performing lice from inside Microsoft's 6-story "Big Windows Phone" in New York's Herald Square on November 7, 2011. (Microsoft - Handout)Popular music group Far East Movement helps launch the new Windows Phone performing lice from inside Microsoft's 6-story "Big Windows Phone" in New York's Herald Square on November 7, 2011. (Microsoft - Handout)

Source: http://windowsteamblog.com/windows_phone/b/windowsphone/archive/2011/11/08/launch-celebration-keeps-rolling-on.aspx

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